Business Consulting & Coaching

Welcome to Aspiring Life Change Counseling & Consulting, LLC where we are dedicated to providing Trainings, Webinars, Courses, eBooks, Workbooks, Journals, Planners and support on addressing Mental Health issues in the Workplace for entrepreneurs and organizations.  Our organization believes that the Mental Health of Leadership, Supervisors, Managers, Employees, Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs and Business owners is just as important as their physical health. That is why we are dedicated to helping businesses and Entrepreneurs create a supportive work environment that promotes Mental Health and Wellness.

We understand the importance of talking about and addressing mental health in the workplace. Stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout can all have a significant impact on productivity and overall well-being. By creating a culture of openness and support, businesses can reduce the stigma around mental health issues and provide resources to help their employees.

Our organization provides greatly needed mental health service/support for entrepreneurs and organizations. We work with businesses of all sizes to develop customized wellness programs that address the unique needs of their Leadership, Managers, Supervisors and Employees. Our programs include Webinars, Training, eCourses, mindfulness and stress reduction techniques, and resources for work/life balance.

We believe that Wellness programs have many benefits for all entities. By prioritizing Mental Health and Wellness, businesses can see increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and improved employee morale. Employees can benefit from improved mental health, reduced stress, and an overall better quality of life.

We are committed to helping businesses and business owners create a supportive work environment that promotes mental health and wellness. Please feel free to explore our website and contact us to learn more about how we can help your Business or Organization.

Please take a look around and we thank you for considering our services.

  • Consultants are advisors who explore problems directly, gather and analyze relevant information and recommend viable options based on their experience.
  • The client decides which recommended option to go with, but then the consultant often implements the chosen solution.
  • Consultants can work in all settings from individual clients to large corporations.
  • Consultants Recommend and implement consulting success formula
  • Business consultants help companies overcome challenges, increase revenue and grow.
  • It’s essential to work with business consultants who have experience and previous success.
  • Coaches are facilitators who help individuals and groups examine their issues, explore alternatives and come up with the best solution for them to implement.
  • The coach enables clients to make their own decisions and implement their own actions.


The key difference between the two is who does the work to bring about change.  Business leaders and executives may use coaches to guide and support them to achieve the results they want.  But they’ll utilize a consultant when they need to review their corporate strategy around the goals they desire to achieve. 

Reasons to hire a consultant:

  • Provide expertise and suggest problem solving techniques
  • Specialization in various industries areas (i.e., Mental Health/Well-being/ Self-care)
  • Occasionally, it requires the objectivity of an outsider to see ways forward that aren’t apparent to those inside the company.  This can unlock innovative solutions

How to create a culture that supports staff to feel at ease about discussing mental health issues

Too often employees are scared to tell their manager about a mental health problem and so problems can spiral. A recent survey revealed that one in five people felt they couldn’t tell their boss if they were overly stressed at work and less than half of people diagnosed with a mental health problem had told their manager.

Organizations need to send a clear signal to staff that their mental health matters and being open about it will lead to support, not discrimination. A simple way to communicate this is to explain that mental health will be treated in the same way as physical health.

Organizations can back this commitment up with a clear mental health strategy and specific policies to ensure employees experiencing mental health problems get the support they need straight away. Our previous guide, How to promote wellbeing and tackle the causes of work-related mental health problems, sets out simple, practical steps to help you improve mental wellbeing for all staff, tackle the causes of mental health problems and boost employee engagement. __

How to have a conversation with someone about their mental health

Work is the most stressful factor in people’s lives2 but often people don’t feel able to ask for help when they’re struggling. This silence feeds misunderstanding and prejudice which can make it harder for people to be open. This is why it’s vital that managers routinely ask staff how they’re doing and discuss their mental health – it helps build up people’s confidence to speak up earlier on and get the help they need sooner.

Sometimes people can worry about how to approach a conversation about a person’s mental health but there are no special skills needed – just the ones you use every day as a people manager like common sense, empathy, being approachable and listening. If you do nothing, problems can spiral, with a negative impact for individuals and organizations.

If you think a member of your team may be experiencing a mental health problem, you may need to take the lead and raise this with them, as people often don’t feel able to bring it up themselves. Sometimes when managers lack confidence about mental health, they may make this conversation overly formal or escalate it to HR or Occupational Health straight away. However, as their manager, you will know your employee best and it’s important you take the lead and talk with them yourself. The way managers behave and the relationship they have with staff are key factors in shaping how employees respond when they’re experiencing stress and poor mental health. It’s vital that managers start this process off in a positive and supportive way


So, you are a visionary leader?

Are you challenged to balance moving to the beat of your own drum WHILE you lead others and your company forward in a consistent direction.

Sometimes this feels like it takes more than you have, doesn’t it?

  • You might wonder who sees things the way you do?
  • Are you in this alone?
  • Where can you find the kind of support that you truly need?
  • Where, perhaps, can you begin to develop yourself as a leader to accomplish all that you are driven to do and create?

Getting clear with what’s within you and aligning this with how you wish to show up in the world is essential to be a great leader. And visionaries have inherent strengths and challenges in this department.

Do you want to ignite your vision and feel more in control of who you are and what you’re creating?

"Individually we are one drop, but together we are an ocean."

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